News and Insights | Green

News and Insights

May 2020

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Perceptions of Sustainability, Energy Efficiency

Earlier this year, the National Association of REALTORS® surveyed members about sustainability issues. Here are some findings from the REALTORS® and Sustainability 2020 Report

April 2020

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10 Ways to Spend Your Quarantine Time

Weeks into the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders have many people itching to get out and do something.

Netflix is getting old. How much baking can you do? And with little exercise, how much eating should you be doing? 

Here are some other ways to spend your time.

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Solar Motivations, Consumers’ View of Housing

Pew Research took a look at people's motivation for choosing solar for their home and Redfin took the pulse of consumers and their views about how home prices would fare in a recession. 

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Pearl Launches Solar Certification

Pearl Certification (REach® Class of 2017) just rolled out a nationwide solar certification. 

One aim is to ensure that homes with owned solar systems receive fair market value when it comes time to sell. 

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NAR’s Right Tools, Right Now

There aren’t enough superlatives to describe the pain the world is experiencing because of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

To address your own needs and get your business on steadier footing, look to the NAR's Right Tools, Right Now initiative.