News and Insights | Green

News and Insights

January 2023

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ACEEE: Energy-efficiency Investments are Paying Off

Clients interested in sustainable homes expect you to be well-versed in the latest energy-efficiency data and legislation and how their choices contribute to the overall health of their community, planet, and families. 

Others may need convincing that energy efficiency measures boost the economy and create jobs and that what you do and talk about has value.

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Become a Partner in Protecting Trees

You already know the environmental benefits of trees, including their ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, improve air quality, and provide wildlife habitat.

But yearly, national forests are threatened by things like wildfires, disease, and encroachment by development.

December 2022

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10 Great Ideas from GRC Members

One benefit of GRC membership is that NAR Green Designees are generous about sharing information and smart ideas. 
For example, one person's firsthand experience with a home technology can help others understand its relevance in their home or a client's. 

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Let’s talk about Heat Pumps!

As a GREEN Designee, you likely know the difference between a heat pump and a furnace - a furnace heats the home with natural gas, oil, or propane (fossil fuels), and a heat pump uses electricity. 

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Grab a Discount on Your GRC Membership Renewal

The holidays, the rush to wrap up the year, and the need to sketch out your business plan for next year all make for a hectic December. 

We know. 

We'll be quick.