News and Insights | Green

News and Insights

February 2017

August 2017

Back to Basics:5 Water Efficiency Messages to Deliver to Clients​

Remember Suzanne Shelton’s statistic showing that 30 percent of consumers associated energy efficiency with solar? It’s a reminder that although we think clients understand that small, consistent upgrades yield greater efficiency and save money, often they really don’t get it. 

Green House

Green Flips Change the World 

By anyone’s measure, the house in Hendersonville, N.C., would’ve been considered a dump. 

It had seen few, if any, upgrades since it was built in the 1950s, the property had been occupied for a time by a hoarder-squatter, the yard was full of trash, and the interior was jammed with garbage. 

Green House

This Month's Tips: 3 Signs that Your HVAC System Needs Replacing

Sometimes it’s hard to know when it’s time to finally throw up your hands and replace and appliance or home system. 

January 2017


A Vision for 2017

Though 2017 has opened with some feeling trepidation about the unknowns that the year will bring, our members, advisors, and friends weigh in with some predictions that reflect a solid sense of optimism for our industry’s future.

Here’s what they envision. 


From the Director 

My latest trip to the NAHB 2017 International Builders’ Show® (IBS), IBS, was especially eye-opening. 

Though there was a specific section of the show floor devoted to high-performance homes, throughout the expo the focus was on sustainability, energy efficiency, smart home technology, and home performance management.