News and Insights | Green

News and Insights

March 2018

Solar Panels

This Month's Tips: End Plastic Pollution​

Ending plastic pollution is the goal of this year's Earth Day and you can help the cause. Read the "Plastic Pollution Primer and Action Toolkit" and start with three simple actions. 

NAR Appraisal

Webinar: Clearing Away Confusion about Green Appraisals​

Green appraisals routinely have been a hot topic in the NAR's Green Designation Networking Community on Facebook. Many GRC members have expressed frustration about not getting appraisers with green knowledge. Others deal with the challenge of not having comps for their listings with unique green features. 

Solar Panels

Popular Renewables, Smart Home Features for 2018 surveyed architects, builders, and designers to identify 2018 construction trends and what's important to homeowners and buyers. Here's what they said about renewables and smart and home features. 

Earth Day

Earth Day: Help Yourself, Help Your Clients

Earth Day is a great moment both for action and reflection. Thanks to local and international events that put environmental health front and center, you've got the built-in vitality of the day. Tap that energy to help yourself and your clients.

Monthly Webinars

GRC Member Benefit: Monthly Webinars are Your Gateway to Knowledge ​

Need a deeper dive into a specific green topic? The GRC has you covered. Monthly Webinars offer a gateway to knowledge that you need for your business' success. Your membership and GREEN designation gets you access to the best minds and leading voices in the sustainable housing industry.