News and Insights | Green

News and Insights

December 2018

Close up of pine tree branch

GRC Membership: An Investment in Your Future

This is the time of year when you assess your business spending and decide where to put your dollars for technology, education, and memberships. 

Dare we say that the Green REsource Council should top the list? 


This Month's Tips: Reduce Your Holiday Footprint​

Americans throw away about 25 percent more trash between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

Use these ideas to reduce the impact of your celebrations throughout the year. 

June Newsletter

Knowledge Refresh: Home Upgrades Checklists​

Who doesn’t love a checklist? 

Your Green Course materials include some useful checklists that outline the many to-dos that can improve a home’s performance and comfort. 

You can use the lists as conversation starters with clients and discuss the upgrades most beneficial for their homes.


Top 10 Energy Efficient States​

The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) released its 12th edition of the ACEEE State Energy Efficiency Scorecard, which ranks states on their energy efficiency policy and program efforts. 

November 2018


GRC Initiatives Align with New NAR President's Priorities

November, the month when the National Association of REALTORS® swears in a new president each year, is always a time for reflection and an opportunity to look at where we’re headed.